Help Us to Help You! Take Our Poll

We are so excited by the direction our website has gone in over the last few months!

You sent us a few emails asking us, how does rent to own work? So we wrote a few articles and made a page explaining the details of a rent to own and even some common problems buyers have when trying to buy a house with this technique.

Since writing these posts the traffic to our website has more than DOUBLED. We are so excited that we have been able to teach you how to avoid a few common mistakes!

The E-book Idea
After receiving some emails thanking me for the help I started to wonder, could an e-book be helpful? I started thinking about step-by-step checklists, mortgage help, deal analyzers, and all other kinds of information to pack into the book!

BUT, this would take a huge amount of time. So before I begin the project we would love to hear from you.

We would really appreciate it if you would take part in the poll located at the bottom of this post. Just let us know what you think of the idea.

One more thing… If you have any specific questions that you are not finding answers to please leave a comment below. If it turns out the e-book idea is a good one, we will be sure to include the questions or concerns you post.

Thank you for your help!

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