35649, AL Rent to Own Homes
This is a bankruptcy listing, this property will be sold or auctioned due to the owner's bankruptcy proceedings. These listings often... $124,151 - Foreclosure Decatur, AL 35603Details » | |
Single family dwelling $0 1703 BROOKLINE AVE. SW Decatur, AL 35603Details » | |
Under Construction-The charming RC Belmont’s rich curb appeal offers a covered front porch and front yard landscaping. This home... $0 305 skykoish road Decatur, AL 35603Details » | |
This cute 3 bedroom and 1.5 bathroom with updated galley kitchen and hardwood floors is available. This home has a nice sized yard and... $0 1505 11th Ave SE Decatur, AL 35601Details » | |
Lower levelMaster Suite Master bath remodeled with soaking tub, curbless tiled shower, double sink vanity, separate toilet room and... $499,000 - Rent to Own 122 Spinnaker Cir Madison, AL 35758Details » | |
Address: 152 Grey Fawn Trl, Madison, AL 35757Contact: +1904-342-3847Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath full brick home just a short distance... $1,100 152 Grey Fawn Trl Madison, AL 35757Details » | |
None $0 3345 Avalon Lake Dr Madison, AL 35756Details » | |
Welcome to 120 Millstone Lane This spacious 1,781-square-foot home in the heart of Madison City offers a fantastic opportunity for... $295,000 120 Millstone Ln Madison, AL 35758Details » | |
Outside Rocket City in Town Madison, youll find a dynamic apartment community with a decidedly modern look. Contemporary architecture... $0 240 Stadium Way Madison, AL 35758Details » | |
Lower levelMaster Suite Master bath remodeled with soaking tub, curbless tiled shower, double sink vanity, separate toilet room and... $499,000 - For Sale by Owner 122 Spinnaker Cir Madison, AL 35758Details » |
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