450 Cherry Rd Single-Family Houses, TN 38028

Homes For Sale By Owner In Hickory Withe, TN

Price: 599000
Address: 450 Cherry Rd
City: Eads
State: TN
Zip: 38028
Provided By: beycome


WILL CO-OP WITH BUYERS AGENT OR BUYER CAN REDUCE PURCHASE PRICE BY 10,000.00 Beautiful home sitting on hilltop on 2.3 acre lot overlooking pond. New roof approx. 4 yrs old. Main house has 3 bedrooms down, sunroom, bonus room and very large living room, dining room, hearth room, 3 12 baths and 2 fireplaces. Kitchen has updated stainless steel appliances. New roof approx 4 yrs old. Garage apartment has full bath, fireplace and kitchenette. Homes has a garage apartment that is not included in recorded square footage and therefore is not calculated to estimate current price on real estate listings. Irrigation system. beycome.com Listing ID: bey17022598. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 17022598. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/450-cherry-rd-hickory-withe-tn-38028/id17022598 .

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