2554 Henley Ave Single-Family Houses, IA

Henley Ave, Independence, Home For Sale

Price: 490900
Address: 2554 Henley Ave
City: Independence
State: IA
Provided By: RealtyWW


This home includes over 9 acres of land! Are you wanting to have cattle or horses or maybe both? This farm is set up and ready to go! The sale included the house, land, and equipment!! The home has had new roof, new siding, new gutter guards, updated windows and doors, iron curtain, rain soft system, new machine shed 30x30 used as garage part and 50x33 shed part, also has lean to perfect for storing the hay, farm equipment, additional shed, hydrants in automatic waterers, fence for livestock, 4 acres for hayfieldFor more details: https://realtyww.info/homes_independence-d556105/for-sale_i77173715

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