5310 N 225 W Single-Family Houses, IN 47906

Homes For Sale By Owner In West Lafayette, IN

Price: 675000
Address: 5310 N 225 W
City: West Lafayette
State: IN
Zip: 47906
Provided By: beycome


Welcome to this charming estate with ranch home and finished basement tucked away on over 6 beautiful acres. Gorgeous kitchen remodel with natural light and coffee bar. Beautiful outdoor patio screened porch with primary bedroom access. Original wood floors, living room fireplace, 2 12 car garage heated with wood stove, and two additional out buildings. The home is 2,295 sq ft with an additional 740 sq ft of finished basement plus storage space. Includes 33 x 50 post-frame barn with concrete floor and electric garage door as well as a 22 x 22 outdoor shed. beycome.com Listing ID: bey17020395. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 17020395. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/5310-n-225-w-west-lafayette-in-47906/id17020395 .

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