155 Spruce Dr Mobile Homes for Sale, IN 46391Mobile Homes For Sale By Owner In Westville, IN
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155 Spruce Dr Mobile Homes for Sale, IN 46391Mobile Homes For Sale By Owner In Westville, IN
Description:Welcome home This affordable house boasts large bedrooms, a master bathroom with double vanity and walk-in closet, plenty of kitchen counter space, large laundry room, nice big living room, all in an open-concept house. The kitchen has built-ins above the cabinets for extra storage space, and shelves on the side of the kitchen island that can be used for additional storage or cookbooks. High ceilings give the feeling of even more open space. There is a large shed with the house as well. The house sits on a large lot on a dead-end street.2016 Clayton double wide home.Currently located in Westville, IN in a community. The neighborhood sidewalks connect to Bluhm County Park via the Lincoln Memorial Trail beycome.com Listing ID: bey17019136. You can contact the owner directly at: 844-799-XXXX, ext: 17019136. For more information and pictures visit https://www.beycome.com/fsbo/155-spruce-dr-westville-in-46391/id17019136 . Contact Us at RentUntilYouOwn.comTo learn what people aren't telling you about rent to own homes, how it really works, and how to succeed. About RentUntilYouOwn.com
Our website is setup with buyers in mind. We provide rent to own listings throughout the Country and offer "how-to" guides with the most up to date rent to own information available on the web today! We want to help people who may not have perfect credit now, but want to explore all options in how, when, and what type of financing they will need to buy a home in the future. Some need time to alleviate a shortage of down payment money, some need time to solve credit issues. Some just want to try out the house, schools or neighborhood. |