Bellevue, WA 98004

Thira Health-Eating Disorder Treatment

City: Bellevue
State: WA
Zip: 98004
Fee: No
Provided By: Claz


What is an Eating Disorder: Signs & Symptoms, and Eating Disorder Treatment An Eating Disorder (ED) is a serious mental and physical condition characterized by irregular eating habits and detrimental attitudes toward food, body image, and weight. It often involves extreme fixations over dieting, weight loss, or excessive exercise, leading to harmful effects. Eating disorders take many forms such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). As one of the leading eating disorder treatment centers, THIRA Health aims to provide compassionate and specialized eating disorder treatment that paves the way toward lasting recovery. Our experienced team of experts and professionals works to provide personalized treatment plans integrating evidence-based therapies, counseling, and holistic approaches. While our primary focus is on eating disorder treatment, we acknowledge the interconnected nature of mental health issues.

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