If you decide to use the rent to own financing option to purchase your home, it is important that you prepare yourself for the reality of the situation. Knowing exactly what you are getting yourself into is key, particularly when legal contracts are signed and you become liable for certain financial aspects of the contract.This article will run you through the basics of determining whether or not you are qualified for a future loan before you enter into a rent to own contract.Since the … [Read more...]
Cautions When Using Rent to Own Agreements
This article provides general information about pitfalls of rent to own agreements while taking mobile home for rent. For specific legal advice about a problem you are having, get the advice of a lawyer. Landlord exploitation of tenant Many people who sign rent to own agreements end up evicted and lose all the money they put into the home. A rent-to-own home may seem like a good choice if you want to buy a home right now but need a little time to save for a down-payment or build up your credit … [Read more...]
What to Do After Signing Your Rent to Own Contracts?
If you are currently living in a rent to own home or you're looking for this type of transaction, determining how you will qualify to purchase the home is an important question to consider.Have you discussed mortgage requirements with a professional?You also need to know how high your credit score needs to be or how much you will need to spend out of pocket for the loan.Typically, rent to own tenants will us an FHA loan to finance the lease option house they are living in. The FHA … [Read more...]
The Advantages of Lease to Own Homes for Buyers and Sellers
There are several advantages of utilizing lease to own homes. Both buyers and sellers can benefit from the sale.Below we have listed numerous positive aspects for all sides! Advantages For BuyersAn individuals monthly rent credit works for you to lower the purchase price of the house. You don’t have to have 10-20% to safely move into a new home. Only a small amount of upfront funds are required - typically 3%. You don’t require perfect credit. You could have a handful of … [Read more...]
Rent to own homes Listings and Contracts | A Resource page
Today We are providing you with a few good websites to check out. They are about rent to own homes and rental homes.Update: We are now offering rent to own contracts with a full review on the importance of using the right agreements. Check out the article!Please check out the sites below and let us know if any of them were a big help to you in your rent to own house search:Robert Kiyosaki is Off his Rocker (Again) – Is The 401(k) Really ... - Is the 401(k) a Scam? If … [Read more...]