Another Round of Updating to Our Listings

Some of you have noticed that our National rent to own Real Estate Listings have been down for the last two days.After running the listings for about two weeks we saw that many of the results we were providing including content within their descriptions like, "rent to own" or "lease option" but they were actual rent to own listings.So we made some modifications to our original search parameters to make them listings more accurate.So we are showing fewer results currently, but you can … [Read more...]

The Listings are Here! Please Read this if You’re Searching!

I'm very excited today because we finally have the free rent to own listings live on our website. The listings went live around 8pm on March 14th, 2011!While I'm excited to be able to provide thousands of home listings throughout the Country, we have a lot of tweaking to do before I will feel like they are completely "user friendly." A Few Things to be Aware of The listings are pulled from MANY classified websites all over the internet. The goal is to provide all of the web's rent to own … [Read more...]

Update on 8 Steps to a Killer Rent to Own Deal

I've gotten a few emails asking about when step #3 of 8 is going to be posted for the step-by-step guide to a killer rent to own deal.I recently posted in the 20,000 rent to own homes post that we have finally come up with a way to have provide free rent to own homes listings throughout the country. With that new upgrade coming I have decided to hold off on the step-by-step guide until the listings are up and running on our website.Once the listings are available I will start filming … [Read more...]

Charlie Sheen’s Twitter Following and 20,000 Rent to Own Homes

I am so excited to be able to post this update to you today!Ok, do you remember the “about me” post when I mentioned the original purpose of starting this website?If not, it was created simply for listing the 2-3 properties my company had available as rent to own homes at any given time. Then the "how-to articles" started making their way around the internet and traffic started pouring in.That was an exciting surprise and realizing the need for relevant rent to own information … [Read more...]

14 Real Estate Pages You Must Check Out!

We did a lot of internet research today about the current Real Estate market and to see what others in our field are talking about.Some of these posts are older, but the websites still have a lot of content to offer. So if you have some time to learn some new Real Estate information, turn of that TV show and enjoy these posts!Lastly, our site usually sticks to discussing only topics about rent to own homes and how rent to own works. Only one or two of these posts below get into the topic … [Read more...]

8 Steps to a Killer Rent to Own Deal – #2 of 8

Hey everyone! This is step #2 of the 8-part series on how to find, rent, and buy a rent to own home. Step #1 was basically a review of what the 8-step guide is about, what you can expect to learn, and a cool FREE spreadsheet to use when analyzing homes you find.If you missed it, you can read the post and watch the video by clicking here: rent to own program step #1. Make sure to download the free Rent to Own Killer Deal Spreadsheet to use for the next step.What You Can Expect In this … [Read more...]

Two Days of Researching – Is it the PrePaid Credit Card Holy Grail??

I have been researching for TWO days now on the very best prepaid credit card I could find. I had no idea it would take that long. The last time I searched for something this long online it was an ant farm. Yea that's ant farm. I thought it would be cool to have one in my office, because I had one when I was a kid and it was the greatest thing ever!After researching close to 100 cards I did find one for you that I am thrilled to tell you about!I have one or two more that have … [Read more...]

8 Steps to a Killer Rent to Own Deal – #1 of 8

This is the first post of an eight part series I decided to put together! If you watch all of these videos and put the information to good use, then you and your family will own a house using a rent to own home, period.And, I hope that you do because I make these posts and videos at night instead of going to bed! The only way I could convince Megan(my wife) that I'm not wasting my time was to promise her that you will use the advice and buy a house using a rent to own! -No Pressure, … [Read more...]

Over 70% of Families Fail to Purchase Their Lease to Own Home

It's time to discuss the reasons why so many families fail to purchase their lease to own home.In this article I am only focusing on families who are unable to qualify for a mortgage before their option period expires.In this event, you will lose your right to purchase the house and the seller is no longer required to sell you their home. Your option deposit and rent credits would be lost.You see, this can be a significant loss for your family and something you surely want to … [Read more...]

The Increasing Demand For Rent To Own Homes

Rent to own houses are increasing in popularity and demand in today's declining real estate market. More buyers, sellers, and classified sites are seeing the value in using this strategy to purchase or sell a home.You may not have considered this until now. Or you may not know how a rent to own actually works. What A Rent To Own Home Is And Isn't A rent to own is not as complicated as it may seem. Many buyers think the transaction is setup just how furniture and TVs are sold on a "rent to … [Read more...]