A growing number of individuals are becoming more interested in acquiring rent to own houses.Apart from being the most practical way to easily buy a house, it does not really entail you to shell out a big sum of money but rather, gives you time to pay in small amounts. For potential buyers and sellers of rent to own houses, here are the basic things or possible scenarios you might encounter. Confusion with the terms “rent to own” and “lease purchase”This is quite tricky … [Read more...]
Rent to Own Home: Advantages and Disadvantages
Due to limited funds, not everybody can afford to buy a house. So, the next best and wisest thing to do is acquire the property gradually. Most people who lack the finances and yet, would want to buy a house would opt to look for a rent to own property. This is the trend nowadays. But, no matter how great of a deal it is, make sure that you know the advantages and disadvantages of a rent to own property.To avoid being blinded by this kind of deal in owning a property, you better review the … [Read more...]
Slight Mistake Causes Rankings to Crash
In an attempt to provide our users with a better experience on our site, we ended up losing traffic.The problem was our addition of a pop-up window on our City pages like rent to own homes in Tampa.On this pop-up window we provided visitors with a form to fill out if they wanted to join our rent to own homes program. We have received several hundred email requests about offering a program for rent to own buyers. Unfortunately using the pop-up had the opposite effect for us, this was … [Read more...]
Cautions When Using Rent to Own Agreements
This article provides general information about pitfalls of rent to own agreements while taking mobile home for rent. For specific legal advice about a problem you are having, get the advice of a lawyer. Landlord exploitation of tenant Many people who sign rent to own agreements end up evicted and lose all the money they put into the home. A rent-to-own home may seem like a good choice if you want to buy a home right now but need a little time to save for a down-payment or build up your credit … [Read more...]
Common Scams with Real Estate Listings on Craigslist
Real estate mortgage scams are an illegal activity with the purpose of false representation of information on a mortgage loan application or other transfer of money related real estate documents. There are many ways in which real estate frauds are committed. Especially during times when the price of rent to own or homes for rent is on the rise.This scam is probably one of the most common types of real estate Scams. In this type of fraud two different sets of settlement statements are … [Read more...]
Easy Tips for Building Your Credit While Renting a Home
When you start searching for a rent to own home with poor credit; first investigate your credit score. If your rating is poor, there are a number of specific things you can do as good practice to improve and build both your score and lenders' attitude towards you while applying for a home loan. Sign Up On Your Contract: To get any credit for rental homes, you must get it on the contract. If it's not on the contract, it's unlikely you'll get any credit. Pay Your Bills On Time: Always pay your … [Read more...]
Difference Between Rent to Own and Owner Financing
In a rent to own or ‘lease purchase’, the buyer has the option to purchase the property at the end of the rental period. So, the buyer has the legal right to purchase the property for a fixed period of time, but is not obligated to purchase the house. Important features of the rent to own transaction: Buyer pays an upfront option fee, which is non-refundable. The buyer buys the ‘Right’ but not the ‘obligation’ to purchase the property in future. Option fee is credited toward the … [Read more...]
21 Ways To Become the MacGyver of Rent to Own Homes
You may be hoping that a rent to own will be your ticket to owning a home. That your less-than-perfect credit score will be overlooked. Or that it's a great way to avoid wasting money on rent.It can be all of these things!The idea is that you can purchase the house you are renting using a portion of your rental payments to help cover your closing costs. Unfortunately it's often setup wrong, making it very difficult for you to actually purchase the house.But when you know which homes … [Read more...]
Growing, Growing, Gone… The Recent Growing Pains
Well our website by nature isn't one that visitors come to daily for a rent to own search. Typically our returning visitors are on the website 2-3 times per week. So you might not have noticed the difficulties we were having over the last 2-3 days just keeping the website available on the web.Apparently we were receiving so much traffic that our hosting account was unable to handle the requests( I don't get exactly how it works either). The site was stuck in a cycle of running slower and … [Read more...]
Rent To Own Classifieds | Our Progress
Well we have been working on this rent to own homes website for about six months now, around November 1, 2010.This post is to update you on our progress over the last 6 months! Actually, only during the last 2-3 months have we realized big increases in our traffic and rankings in the SERP's. Below is a screen shot of our Google analytics account that helps track the amount of rent to own traffic to our website each day and our progress as we continue building the site.As you can see, in … [Read more...]